Can sex really sell an unsexy product?

Yesterday while looking for a more recent video about Windows Intune I happened to stumble across this gem on YouTube. Yes it’s a long video, but wait until at least 50 seconds when things start to heat up. So the question I put out to you: can sex help sell an unsexy product like Windows Intune? I’m keen to get your feedback below.

FYI: I think Windows Intune is a great product, but definitely not sexy.

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  1. Very funny, I don’t think this will convince the IT/CEO managers of any company to go to Intune. Unfortunately Intune is a product that needs to prove itself before people will see it potential. It’s up to us to convince clients to be in a trial/test case. I’m using it and I am loving it …

    Jethro Seghers @jseghers

    1. I agree that this video certainly won’t, however more and more companies are starting to switch on to Windows Intune for its simplicity and functionality – plus the continual feature improvements delivered automatically.

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