Yammer DSync != Office 365 DirSync

While Yammer is now a part of the Office 365 suite and is becoming more and more integrated at this point the identity management is still somewhat standalone.

This is not necessarily news to anyone who has deployed Yammer and its directory synchronisation solution – referred to as DSync.

The Yammer site has a great amount of information regarding enabling DSync and configuring it, however as I recently found it has no information about disabling it

Effectively the DSync application is completely separate to the Azure Active Directory DirSync appliance. Even though the source objects are the same and the destination are somewhat the same the application and back-end identity components are still separate.

Yammer DSync differs from Office 365 DirSync in one of the ways that: to disable Office 365 Directory Sync user has to explicitly disable it from the Office 365 portal or using PowerShell

However with Yammer DSync the sync gets disabled automatically in any of these cases:

•    If DSync Client is disabled

•    If DSync Client is uninstalled

•    If DSync Client is not running

Something to note however is the ‘Sync Status’ page on Yammer Admin-> Directory Integration section.

The sync status displays the status after every sync is run. Once DSync is configured and run, there is a history of Sync that’s maintained.

So at this point of time even if the Yammer DSync is disabled explicitly or it just stops running the ‘Sync Status’ page will show the last sync date and time. And will never say that Directory Sync is disabled (this is by design).

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