365 Unplugged: Custom backgrounds in Microsoft Teams

In the latest episode of 365 Unplugged, Alistair Pugin and I were onsite at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. We were working on a super-secret project for Microsoft Teams, but decided that given we were recording the episode in person (not via Microsoft Teams) we should talk about a feature that doesn’t exist in…… Continue reading 365 Unplugged: Custom backgrounds in Microsoft Teams

To GIF or not to GIF in Yammer, that is the question

Back in 2017 Yammer introduced animated GIFs to posts, embracing what has become somewhat of a cultural norm in online communities and chat tools. I immediately took issue with the feature and began to rally to the product group to introduce a toggle that would allow it to be turned off. My logic was that…… Continue reading To GIF or not to GIF in Yammer, that is the question