Discover who else is on Office 365

When an organisation makes the smart choice to use Office 365 usually the main focus is on improving internal productivity & communications.
As the world gets smaller it’s important to improve communications OUTSIDE the borders of your own organisation – with federation being the key functionality to drive those improvements.
With Lync federation is quite simple, and using the Who Can Federate Tool created by people such as Matt Landis (Lync MVP) make it easy for you to find which of your contacts uses Lync and can be federated with.
However one of my personal passions is around Exchange calendar federation.
Recently I ran a Lync and Learn session for the Office 365 team on federation for both Lync & Exchange and it got me thinking – how can I discover which of my contacts (customers, suppliers, partners, friends, etc.) is also on Office 365?
So I had the Exchange Federation Discovery Tool built written to do exactly that task!
The tool will search your Outlook contacts and come back to you with a listing of the mail servers used and will point out if the contact uses Exchange Online from Office 365 (meaning they can federate now) or Exchange Online from BPOS (meaning they will be able to federate when they have transitioned to Office 365).
The tool is a free download and is currently at version 0.5.1 as we are still working out how to find out if contacts are using Exchange Server 2010.

So download and run the tool – and start sharing calendars!

Discover more from Loryan Strant, Microsoft 365 MVP

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1 comment

  1. Reblogged this on msryanph and commented:
    Great option for those in the cloud who would like to extend their Messaging capabilities by Federating with other Exchange Online tenants, providing the possibility to view Free/Busy and other information of others outside your Messaging environment.

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