BPOS BES Reporting – Import/Create BlackBerry Business Cloud Service Users

The following instructions will create a spreadsheet listing the users on BES, which can easily be imported into the BlackBerry Cloud Service (BBCS) interface. Before beginning, create a new .csv file, to be used laster to import/create users within your RIM BBCS Portal, using the following columns and save using the .csv file extension: Note:…… Continue reading BPOS BES Reporting – Import/Create BlackBerry Business Cloud Service Users

July 2010 Service Update – new features

Over at the Microsoft Online Services Team blog they posted what new features and functionality are being released to Microsoft Online Services this month: http://blogs.technet.com/b/msonline/archive/2010/07/12/service-update-july-2010-release-availability-features-announced.aspx FYI for partners – I am waiting for confirmation on how partners can utilise the BlackBerry functionality. What I’ve been told so far is that you must have a paid…… Continue reading July 2010 Service Update – new features