365 Unplugged ep 3: Microsoft and the end-user training emails

In episode 3 of 365 Unplugged, Alistair and I discuss the recent furor surrounding the Microsoft end-user training emails. In case you missed it, you can read about it and it’s subsequent retraction in this article by Mary Jo Foley: https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-were-halting-office-365-email-tips-plan-after-user-flak/ I’ve had a number of discussions with people over the past week about this,…… Continue reading 365 Unplugged ep 3: Microsoft and the end-user training emails

Should end users be able to create Office 365 Groups?

Last week while attending the MVP Summit at Microsoft HQ in Redmond, a group of us were given the opportunity to film a debate in the Microsoft Production Studios – where they create all their official broadcast-grade content. The topic was around whether end users should be able to create Office 365 Groups, or whether…… Continue reading Should end users be able to create Office 365 Groups?